Nicholas Roper Ancestors and descendents

Roper Deeds
Family photos
Family Trees
Roper Marriages
Birth and Death Records
Roper Wills
Roper Letters
Roper Cemeteries
Roper Bible records
Misc. Records of importance

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Roper Bible Records
James Michael Roper bible before restoration
Title page 1857
Marriage RecordBirth Records
Death Record
Roper, James Michael - Son of James and Elizabeth Laley Roper. This bible was presented to James Michael Roper upon his union with Rebecca Jane Milbourn. The entries in the bible are of different handwritings. The first on marriages and births appear to be James Michael's after that it looks to be two other inscribers. As with most family bible records it's more of an idea than actual fact. The bible was restored in the late 1990's by his Great Grand-daughter and is in the possession of her brother James Luther Coulter of Ranson, WV. Note: photo to the left was before the restoration by Cattail Bindings

Photos found in the bible were not labeled. It's believed the center photo is James Roper the Elder. Click group image to enlarge.

Photos found in the Roper Bible
James Roper only son of Nicholas Roper
Photos found in the Roper Bible of Children

James Nicholas Roper family bible
Marriage RecordsBirth Records
Death Records
Roper, James Nicholas - Son of William Thornton and Sarah W. Cowen Roper. The bible was presented to James Nicholas Roper as a wedding gift. The bible contains Marriages, Births and Death records taken in different handwritings. It contains two photos, one of which is identified as Samuel W. Roper, the first born son of James N. and Mary Steely Roper. The photo of the lady in unidentified, it could be the wife or the mother of James Nicholas Roper. Note: Bible is in possession of Gary Roper, Pope County, Illinois; photo credit: Gary Roper

Photos found in the bible:

Sameul W. Roper
Photo page
Lady  in bible

Site Created August 2011
Copyright ©2011 - 2021 Jacqueline Milburn
Page created December 26, 2011 - Last updated October 3, 2021